Best beaches are hard to find. Summer is all about beaches and waterfront attractions.
If you are contemplating a visit to Tunisia during said season, then you simply must not deny yourself the chance to stroll its magnificent beaches.
While famous for a lot of things, Tunisia’s main asset is its natural wealth. All-year-round views and charms worthy of being explored and savored.
Spring is for the open grass fields, winter is for the snowy mountains and summer is all about clear sand and serene blue waters in some of the best beaches in Tunisia.
If your mind is made up, your bags packed, and ticket booked, then it is time to make some difficult choices.
It is not a matter of distress, however some destinations are really hard to pick from. Rest easy though, you will never feel like you are missing out. Whatever spot you pick will surely suffice your needs for an all-inclusive, memorable trip.
Comfort, pleasure, and most importantly affordable prices are but some of the allures Tunisia holds over other seasonal destinations.
Big countries may have lavish accommodations, extravagant monuments, and conclusively “more” of everything.
It should not keep you from exploring less known places for the sake of discovery and to broaden your horizons beyond the conventional. Tunisia should not feel like a compromise, because it is not.
The country attracts over five million tourists in summer season alone. The numbers speak of its worth, and the reasons are numerous.
Tourists come for different amenities, and while some are tempted by the palpable food, and cultural site, your main incentive is to behold the best beaches in Tunisia of the North African pearl, beaches to be precise.
1.Best beaches : Hammamet the right destination

A perfect beachfront town beset by impeccable water attractions. Hammamet is famous amongst tourists for its various appeals, one of which is its extensive marine affluences. The town is conveniently fitted to accommodate tourists all-year-round as such, the magical aura of Hammamet is never circumstantial. Whenever it is you should schedule your visit, you are indeed in for a treat.
Best beaches in Hammamet are renowned for being well preserved and maintained regularly. A large selection of top-notch seafood restaurants are to be found along the shore strip. Luxurious hotels are all within walking distance from your main attraction.
Once at the beach, you will get to enjoy a surreal experience trailing the hot sand and dipping into the cool waters.
Summer breeze is a must-mention, for air pollution is relatively low in Hammamet and your lungs will definitely feel the difference.

Commonly dubbed “dream island”, the coastal wonder sure lives up to its name. Situated off the Governate of Gabes, the island opens up to the Mediterranean sea.
Easily the number one touristic attraction in all of Tunisia. Luxury is taken seriously in Djerba, terms like lavish and extravagant are met with new standards.
Although staying on the island is a bit expensive than other destinations, it is undoubtedly the best decision.
Being an island hints at the geographical advantage this particular location has. Water is easily accessible throughout, and the best beaches there are like noting you have seen before.
Granted, due to its popularity, the beach is also bound to have few docked yachts. But if anything it should add to the view rather than spoil it.
Watersports and small rental cruises are especially common practices on the beaches of the island.
3.Best beaches : Cape Negro modest is gorgeous

Fancy is always good to try, and Tunisia is a prime example of lavish done right. But sometimes it is good to get away from the noise and focus on what is important.
If you are looking to relax far from crowded beaches and stuffed hotels, without having to forsaken comfort, then “Cape Negro” is where you need to go.
Northwest of the capitol, right in the midst of breathtaking natural beauty and charm, lies “Cape Negro”.
A local waterfront that perfectly balances gorgeous and modest whilst offering excellent experience, Cape Negro has the best beaches.
Accommodation is good, food is just amazing, and the locals are always happy to welcome strangers who are interested to explore and discover their beloved town. The aforementioned estate is adjacent to a large dam that has its own enclosed water pool.
Whatever the occasion might be, and regardless of the season, Tunisia has it all. Charm, elegance, appeal, and a certain uniqueness that renders it quite special.
Attended by millions of tourists for its convenience and the wide array of attractions, services, and amenities made readily available for customers. Tunisia has distinguished itself as a prime choice rather than a “plan B”.
Furthermore, its natural assets are held in high regards, as the country boasts some of the best beaches, forests, and mountains.
If you interested in learning about other aspects of the Tunisian culture and merits, then click the links below: